Wednesday, February 08, 2012


These days are full of moments I'd like to forget.
Messes, attitudes, frustration, stickiness, fatigue, bickering.
And poop.  Lots of poop.

But I'm on a mission to change my mind about these days.  
They're precious!  
Gifts from God... each day, each hour with these little ones on loan to me indefinitely.

Difficult though it is, I need to try to listen past the rowdy noise and enjoy their imaginations.
(a pregnant "Mary," riding a rather rambunctious "donkey.")

Mealtime should be a warm and anticipated time of family sharing... not a frustrating battle of wills.

And messes?  They are the perfect kindling for these budding imaginations.  A fairy tea party anyone?

I need to intentionally slow down and let my girls learn, grow, and DO... on their own.

Slowing down also provides opportunities for family outreach.  
(sleepover with T, a neighbor girl whom my kids adore.)

I never thought it would be difficult to make time for reading together.  But sometimes it is hard!  I'm tired and busy, and dinner won't make itself.

These days are for savoring, for teaching and growing.  I don't want to forget all that He is doing in me, in us.  I need holy perspective.
Lord, help me to redeem the time!  

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