Monday, February 08, 2010

Taste and See!

I have this friend who occasionally turns up her nose at some culinary favorite of mine. First it was bread pudding, then homemade ricotta, among other things. And every time she'd say, "Ew!" I'd tell her the same thing: "Just taste it! You'll see--it's good!"

And sure enough, at my prodding, she hesitantly takes a bite... and every time, her eyes close as she says, "This is amazing!" She couldn't have known how wonderful it was, until she tasted it for herself.

As I said last week, Nate has been out of work for about 6 weeks now. And I've been praying. "Lord, I know you will be faithful. You always are. Please give us direction and continue to supply our needs."

Well, God has given us a sampling of His goodness these past couple weeks. Just a little taste, mind you, but I am here to testify that it is good. Goooooood, I tell you! I know, because I've tasted!

Friends have come forward, letting us know that God has put our family on their hearts. They've slipped cash into our hands, and taken us grocery shopping, and out to lunch, and given us gift cards. Now, we don't have wealthy friends! We have friends who, like us, are navigating financially rocky roads. They're struggling on one income, and they've got kids in college, and they're in the ministry. They are praying the same prayers we are. And yet they're sensitive to the Lord's leading and obediently generous. We're humbled and grateful.

We have tasted of His goodness and have found it so very, very good. I have many thank-you notes to write, indeed.


Jenny said...

AMEN! (and, oooh, homemade ricotta. Have you made this sans heavy cream?? I'd love to try it with just whole milk if you think it would work...)

Karen said...

I haven't, Jenny. But there are scads of recipes out there which don't call for it. That's my next endeavor. My waistline, you know...

Jenny said...

What a blessing. It is so nice to have friends like that.

I wish you luck and your husband luck. I will keep you in my prayers.