Good morning, birthday girl! Time for a few presents from out-of-town family.

a big-girl cup and clothes from Aunt Darlene...just WAIT till you see their matching dresses for Father's Day. Darling.

Books and cash from my parents. (So far we've gotten her only shoes. We're working on it.)

What a beach babe!

"I'm not sure about this cake... I
love the frosting and sprinkles but not the cake!"

"Scratch that. I'm done with both!"

A cake for the rest of us.

more presents.
that's right--keep 'em coming!

the men play a yard game

Too tired to enjoy her party! Off to bed while her guests played!

The loot
Now that was one party, looked like tons of fun.
I'm a girl who appreciates small details, couldn't help but notice the cute party favors you made next to the cake and also did you make individual stickers for each person's drink? I'd love to know how you get them to stick.
Love the pictures, just what we were waiting for:-) so cute!
Actually, the cups were a newfangled thing I found clearanced out. Each cup has a label, & you use your fingernail to scratch your name/initials into it. :)
Aww-Happy Birthday Ellia! Looks like it was fun, despite the crying :-) She made out pretty well too!!! 1st birthdays are the best!! We're planning Eli's 2nd birthday. Where does the time go!?!
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