Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The children

It is thrilling to watch Olivia progress in her eating. Behold the demolition of an apple.

Trying out her chompers...

Getting the hang of it...

The last few bites!

This is a big step for us! Just a week or 2 ago, I would've had to peel, core, and cut the apple into eighths, and then slice until it was paper-thin! What a pain! This I did, though, because apples are so very nutritious. And Olivia loves them. I doubt she'll eat apples that way again.

I had my 34-week checkup today. Baby is doing great; she's measuring a perfect 34 cm! I managed to lose 2.5 pounds, even after gorging myself in Texas last week. Baffling, truly baffling.

Well, it's almost suppertime, and then church! Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Shyla said...

have you considered that perhaps you have a tape worm and not a baby! LOL you must look amazing!!