Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Headless Chicken

Today was a record day for busy-ness! Livvie got up a little early this morning (7:26). We took our time waking up; we snuggled on the couch, munching on waffles and watching Clifford.
At 9, I took her over to my pregnant friend's house, where we exercised together and then chatted for a bit. Then, it was back home for lunch and Olivia's nap.
While she slept, I ran out to a meeting, which went much longer than I anticipated--about 2 hours! When I got back home, Olivia was just waking up (great timing!).
I whisked her away to my dear friend Rebekah's house for a playdate...okay, a MOM-DATE! Rebekah's little guy, Caleb, is 5 weeks younger than Livvie. We all had a great time & left there around 5:30.
Then, it was home to get ready for church. Now it's 9, and we're both ready for bed! Nate's at an away game tonight, so I don't feel the least bit silly going to bed so early. I'm so glad for such a flexible and content child. She's been so good all day.
Too bad my housework didn't get done, though. O well... it'll still be here tomorrow!

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