Too many repetitions of "Let it Snow" = a forecast of 9-12" of snow! Our church services have both been cancelled today. Here are Nate & Trango enjoying the white stuff.
I guess Olivia's first word is "more." Do you count mama or dada? I don't. She's been saying "more" for about a week, I guess. It sounds like "muh," but we definitely know what she means! Yesterday she walked over to the bathtub and said "ba!" and tried to climb in. Perhaps that's word #2.
Last night we went over to Ryan & Celeste's for Evan's birthday party. Yesterday was Ryan's birthday, so I guess it was combined. We had a scrumptious meal of tacos, taco dip, and cake.
Yesterday was a fun day, with the exception of about 40 minutes or so. I got us both all gussied up and took Olivia out for breakfast at Burger King. She wolfed down all but 2 bites of her french toast sticks. Then we stopped by the Salvation Army, still on a quest for snow boots & mittens. No luck again... today I'm ready to just buy them at a "normal" store! I wish Livvie could play in the snow, although that wind is wicked. Anyway, whilst we were there, Olivia was playing with my keys, as usual. We checked out and got to the Jeep... no keys. Ugh. Long story short: I hunted in that store for about 40 minutes, asked the front counter twice, talked to Nate twice, and was ready to cry. Olivia was so sleepy, and I just wanted to go home! I paused in a corner, to calm myself and pray--again!--, and my eyes wandered downward. *enter chorus of angels* There were my keys, dangling over the support bar UNDERNEATH the cart! I don't know when Olivia dropped them, but they stayed there for at least 45 minutes as I whipped that cart all over the place and even outside! What an adventure.
Well, I'm off to make the most of Livvie's little morning catnap. Any suggestions for a snowed-in Sunday? I'm planning to do some good reading, but I certainly can't read all day! I mean, I COULD...
Try this. When Malachi and i had a day free with nothing to do i made some homemade play-dough! So much fun and easy to do with simple around the house stuff i know you have.
1 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
1 c. water
2 Tbs. oil
2 Tbs. cream of tardar
food coloring
mix everything together (choose which ever color you want the dough to be and add that) and then cook on the stove till a ball forms (it should look like dough). Finally, take the mixture out and let it cool. Then play away.
the best thing is that if she accidently eats some she wont get sick because its all natural!!
well enjoy your day off!
-Sam and Malachi
Bummer about the snowboots. :( Hope you find some soon! You all got way more snow than we did. My goodness, I can think of a million things to do with naptime freetime but I usually choose to nap too. :) Glad God led you to find your keys!
Uhmmm...did you open those boxes that should have been delivered to you? :)
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