Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day Off for Christmas What-Not

Due to some schedule changes, I have today off. We lounged around a bit this morning; I boxed up Christmas presents (I know, they'll be late!) and Christmas goodies, did a load of laundry, etc... Now I think we're going to do some last-minute Christmas shopping while Trango gets pampered at the groomer's. Once again, it's so, so nice to have Nate home! What a pleasant family outing!

I was all set to print out our Christmas letter, and just as I did, our printer died. Alas, I fear our cards will be very, very late. Or perhaps I'll not send the letter. Which is better in your opinion?


Katie said...

I'd still send it. Mine aren't going out until this weekend or later either because our printer's also dead, so I'll print them at my in-laws.

heatherlyn11 said...

better late than never! Right?
mine are gonna be late too:)

Unknown said...

totally send them still. people always love cards with letters and pictures. sounds like you had a lovely day! I'm with you - matt's home now for the winter break and I'm LOVING having him home! He took care of CHloe this morning so I could sleep late . . . I could get used to this.

Vicki said...

Send it, send it! :o) I LOVE getting the Christmas letters to see what everyone is up to. Even if it is late...who cares?!? It'll be more fun getting it after Christmas because we'll think we've already received all the cards and letters that we're going to.