Tuesday, September 05, 2006

3 preggos! I'm on the left, obviously, at 39 weeks. Celeste (Ryan's wife), due in December, and Kelly (Justin's wife), due in February. Copycats! :)


Heather said...

Karen you look great!!! Seriously, if I knew I would look as good as you...i may think about trying for a third!!!

How are you feeling?? I think about you often...

christina said...

wow, three pregos on that one chair! must make you three feel super skinny!! :) praying for you and livvie!!
hope to see her soon.

Jenny said...

Karen, you do look fabulous! I hope you're still taking lots of naps! Get as much sleep as you can and I'll be praying you have that baby in God's perfect timing, and that it all goes great!

Unknown said...

Ditto to everyone's comments - you look fabulous and excited to meet little livvie! Hang in there and enjoy these last days as a childless couple. :)

the johnson crew said...

hi karen, that is a realy cute photo. are you going to miss being pregnant? you do look realy good. i am realy excited for you guys.

Karen said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, gals! And HI JANELLE! I really do think I'll miss being pregnant... but then I've had a grrrreat pregnancy. I'm so excited to meet Olivia--any day now!