Friday, May 20, 2011

Hello, Spring! Nice to have you. Please do stay awhile!

Dogwood blossom

Brienna plays with Nate's riding horse.

A diseased & dying willow tree that's coming down soon.

Are these morning glories?  Whatever they are, they will completely engulf this chair by summer's end!

2 girls, in a rare moment of goodwill

Brienna, fresh out of the bath

the flowers I inherited.  LOVE THEM!

 creeping phlox

Wish I could say I'm growing these in my yard.  But alas, no.

just your garden variety petunia

lovely tulips in the back flowerbed

Can someone tell me what this is?  Have I been carefully cultivating a weed?


Unknown said...

Lovely flowers, Karen! WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF PERENNIALS YOU INHERITED!!! We're slowly working on our perennial flower bed. My dream is to have something blooming every week of spring and summer.

Cool chair idea! You should take a pic of it as the plant grows and engulfs.

Stacey said...

So beautiful...looks like happiness.

Your Livvie is getting so tall.

Hope you all are doing well.

Kara said...

Hi! I drop in to your blog from time to time. I think the plant in your chair is some kind of hardy geranium, and the "weed" is euphorbia. How fun to inherit perennials!!