Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things My Father Never Taught Me

1.  How to be stingy.  As far back as I can remember, my dad has always put money in the "others" offering plate, in missionaries' hands, in my hand.  He sacrifices his time, energy, and resources, sometimes (in my opinion) to the detriment of his own health and sanity!  He doesn't know the meaning of the word "selfish."

2.  How to be lazy.  I remember many, many Saturday mornings when my father would enter my bedroom, flick on the lights, rip my covers off of me, and howl, "Get your carcass outta bed!  The day's half over!" 

At 8:22 a.m. 
I don't think the man has slept past 6:30 in his life.

I really think he laughs at me nowadays, what with my three little Early Risers.  8:22?  Seems almost heavenly now. 

3.    That life without God is normal.  My earliest memories are of family devotions.  And Sunday School.  And worshipful singing.  And Scripture memory.  And conversations about God and the Bible.  A Godless life has always seemed completely foreign to me--and totally undesirable. 
***My parents, before they were my parents.***

4.  The concept of "good enough."   I can probably count on one hand the number of times my dad used this phrase... in a positive light, anyway.  He always made sure I understood that any effort which was less than my best was certainly not good enough--be it in a sport, a hand craft, academics, piano lessons, or my personal relationship with God. 

5.  How to sing.  Or more specifically, How To Sing On Key.  Oh, Dad sings.  Does he ever!  Loudly and in earnest!  But bless his heart, he can't carry a tune in a bucket.  He did teach me, however, that worship is still worship, whether it's aesthetically pleasing or not.
Happy Father's Day, Papa!  I love you!
You are the most godly person I know.  I can't think of anyone I'd rather call Dad.  Or anyone I'd rather have for my kids' grandpa.  When I grow up, I want to be like you.
Well, minus the full beard.
***My parents with their beloved grandchildren***

1 comment:

Jenny said...

How wonderful! It seems like you had amazing parents.

Sounds like you had a great Father's Day.