Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Showers of Blessings

It's raining blessings around here, people! And we're praising God, from whom all blessings flow!
Someone gave us a very generous check last week, with a note that read, "Use for whatever you need."
Another person sent us out to dinner, gift card in hand.
When we returned from our date, a bag of produce hung from the doorknob.
Next day, at church, we were anonymously given a large box of food.
He is good.
All the time.


Anonymous said...

I am always making sure that we thank God for all his work in our lives. Malachi is even picking up on the little blessings too! We pray for even small stuff like parking spots. Once we got one in the very front and he said "see mom, god never fails!" Its so good to know the he can show his love through his blessings :)

christina said...

that's awesome! i love seeing God provide that way. we've been there--who's NOT there in MI right now? :)--, and it was so fun to see what would happen next. sounds like you are surrounded by a great crew of believers.

Jenny said...

Praising God with you!