Saturday, May 09, 2009

(im)patiently waiting

After a rough Thursday night and an even longer Friday, all three of us grew impatient for our king to return to the castle!
I love to see the girls watching for their Daddy... well, Livvie watches for him. Ellia just likes standing at the door. This shot was taken around 7 p.m., and yes, they're wearing PJ's! They were more than ready for bed by 8:00, and I was more than ready to send them there!

Ellia went down rather easily but was awake & crying 45 minutes later. My best guess: an ear infection. (just a guess, as we've not had to deal with ear infections yet.) After a quick call to Shannon--Nate's sister, quite knowledgeable in natural remedies--we dropped a mixture of tea tree oil & olive oil into her right ear and massaged it a bit. Not 30 minutes later, she was sound asleep. She woke briefly around midnight but otherwise slept through the night wonderfully!

I stopped by a natural foods store this morning & picked up a couple things for her--a kids' probiotic & some willow/garlic oil. Here's to hoping she's on the mend!

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