Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother

I don't know about you other mommies, but I was spoiled yesterday! Nate had strict orders about cooking and chores (none allowed, of either one!), and he even stayed up with Ellia so I could nap! I tell you, it was good to be a mommy yesterday.
It always is.


Jennifer said...

I love yur hair in this picture!

Jennifer said...

That should say "your", I think am still sleeping!

Stacey said...

I just have to say if I looked as good as you when I'm expecting I'd have 10 more:-) good for you.

My Mother's Day was nothing like yours, you are a blessed women, Karen! I actually called my Mother in law and asked why they call it Mothers Day, have to admit when I read your post I was a bit j-----s:-)

Kelly Glupker said...

You look great, Karen!