Monday, March 09, 2009

Explanations & Clarifications

The girls & I are relaxing at Nate's folks' home this evening. We were supposed to finish our trip home this evening; we've missed Nate! But due to a late start this morning and an impending storm, Nate thought it best that we wait until tomorrow to go home. Instead of sitting around being disappointed & pining away for Nate, though, I'll catch y'all up on what's been going on in our lives the past few weeks. Have you noticed I haven't been blogging quite so much? Well, here's why:

In late December & January I battled almost constant moodiness, impatience, and exhaustion. I've never been in a "funk" like that, for so long, and no matter how purposefully I prayed and tried to rest in the Lord, I could not make the fog go away. I began to wonder, quite literally, if I were losing it. The things that brought me joy did not, and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and cry & sleep. Finally I talked to Nate honestly about it (imagine that!), and I confessed that I thought I may be depressed. He was wonderful about it, of course, and we resolved together to take steps to remedy the problem.

In late January I was flattened for a couple of days with terrible nausea. Thankfully, it happened to fall on Nate's days off. Toward the end of day 2, I admitted to Nate rather reluctantly, "This is how I feel when I'm pregnant." I took a test, fully expecting to quickly toss the negative results into the trash and return to the couch. To my shock, the test immediately registered as positive.

I was relieved to know that I was not crazy or depressed, although 4 weeks of debilitating, incessant nausea ensued [The real reason we spent a week here with Grammy & Grampy]. Thankfully, the worst of it seems to have passed. I'm 12 weeks along, and my due date is September 21. I'm so thankful for God's grace, and for helpful friends and family. The past 6 weeks have been a time of such intense growth and stretching--some of the most difficult and revealing that I've experienced. How sweet to know firsthand that I can trust Him to provide for all of my needs... one day, one hour, one moment at a time.


Jenny said...

Congratulations, Karen! And I will be praying for you to quickly begin to feel like yourself!

Abby said...

Wow! Congratulations and thank you for being so transparent - I think we've all had bouts of depression in our lives, just not always spoken about. So happy for you and another little one!!

Kelly Glupker said...

I'm glad you have some answers and are starting to feel better. Congratulations!

Bethany Estep said...

Congratulations! Your three little ones will be almost exactly the same distance apart in age as ours. We should talk sometime. :) Joanna is actually a wonderful little helper and I'm sure Olivia will be too.

Heather said...

WOW! Karen that must have been such a relief to you when you found out you were expecting and not going through depression!! God is so good and I am thankful for your post!!

Weadock Family said...

Congratulations, Karen!! Your due date is a great date--my birthday :) I'll be praying for you, the pregnancy, and the new little one. How exciting :)


Busch family said...

Congratulations Karen! I'm so happy for you and Nate. I will be praying that you start feeling better soon. I know that especially the first trimester is no picnic for most of us!

Also, I just made the connection that your Nate and Shannon Callahan are siblings. Shannon married Tim whom I've known since I was seven. He is my former pastor's brother. It's such a small world! :)

Mary Ann said...

Congratulations, Karen! I'm glad you have an such a joyous explanation for being 'out of sorts'. I'll pray that you feel more like yourself soon & that the nausea won't hang on.

Karee said...

Wow, Karen! Will definitely be praying for you and your little family. I'm sure having another one on the way so soon after Ellia's birth is both exciting and overwhelming. I have no doubt that God has some great things in store for you through this new little one! Love you guys!

6 Wilsons said...

Congratulations Nate & Karen! I'm sympathizing with your first trimester hormones. I felt much like that, unaware that I was pregnant, and wanted to sleep all the time, but the 2nd trimester made me wonder if I was really pregnant! I felt great this time around. Hopefully your nausea will be gone for the rest of the term. Much love!

Kim Rhoney said...

Hi Karen, OMG what news! Our girls have been asking about Olivia and I can tell them that there is another one coming! You go girl! I am laid-off from my job so I have much more free time now; kind-of! We would love to have you out when you up for a road trip!

Shyla said...

hey girl. i saw your Fb status a couple of times and prayed for you - hoping that everything was ok with you all. so glad to hear that you are expecting again! maybe this time i will get a girl and you will get a little boy :) congratulations and rest when you can. i am praying for you as you are mommy to the girls and growing your new little bundle. i'll let you know how life with 3 is as soon as i know! (less than 2 weeks away!!)