Friday, May 30, 2008

Breaking the Bank on Fruit

I can't wait til summer arrives & fruit prices are reasonable!
Today we headed to our local Kroger to pick up some much-needed fruit. Wow, we really go through it, now that Olivia can eat most of it! Last night the 3 of us polished off an entire pineapple.
I resisted the urge to buy cherries. Even though they were $2.98/lb, I knew they wouldn't taste the greatest. Apples were $2.29/lb. OUCH. I bought a 5# bag for $4 instead. Oranges--$1 apiece! I bought a 5# bag for $5. Even if 1 or 2 are yucky, it's still cheaper.
I really (really!) look forward to summer produce prices!


Heather said...

Oh my goodness!! I totally agree with you! I too was going to buy a bag of cherries because we LOVE THEM...but they were $3.99/lb. NO WAY!!! I settled for grapes but they too were $2.99/lb.

Och!! I can't wait for fresh fruit stands that is for sure!!!!

Unknown said...

Those prices are incredibly high! Do you have a farmer's market to go to in the summer? That would bring prices down for you. You're making me vvvvvvvvvvery thankful for our local market. I've never seen their prices that high on apples.

Sara said...

MOVE TO NORTH CAROLINA!!!! :)We live on watermelon and fresh strawberries all summer down here, and we pick the strawberries ourselves, which is LOTS cheaper and LOTS yummier!

Hannah said...

I hope this isn't a duplicate comment. I got an error this first time.

Just wanted to say hello! I came across your blog while searching for something pregnancy-related and saw we have some things in common. I'm a Christian and due to have my 2nd baby June 10th. We have a newly two-year-old daughter named Olivia. :-)

I had to agree with this post about fruit prices. I have craved fruit like crazy and it's so expensive. Strawberries are finally cheaper, but prices are still high. Luckily, we have some decent farmers markets down here though, which helps.