Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christmas Card/Letter

Did I mention that I FINALLY got our cards & letters sent out? Here's what the letter said, in case you didn't get one:

Dear Family & Friends,

We have much for which to be thankful! Our God has been so faithful and gracious to us in 2007, as He always is. We hope that you are enjoying this Christmas season and remembering the Gift that was given to us. Here’s what’s been going on in our house!

Nate is coaching again at Concordia University. Early in 2007, they won the big Concordia Invitational Tournament (CIT) once again. He so enjoys coaching. In July Nate’s father accepted a position as a Christian school principal. That was a wonderful answer to prayer! The only downside: They’re in Illinois now, so we don’t get to see them very often. It has provided us with an exciting option for weekend getaways, however, and we’ve managed a few visits. After 3 years in the construction business, Nate is now working hard at his home business. He is an Independent Distributor of Herbalife, a health & nutrition company. We’re excited about this new venture, especially Nate—he’s already lost 15 pounds on the products! You can check out his website at
Karen had quite an eventful year as well—5½ of her biological relatives came to visit in April. We were thrilled to entertain Karen’s birth mother, Susie, and her husband Gabe; Karen’s two sisters, Harmony and Ashley; and Harmony’s husband, Kerry. Harmony furnished the ½-- she was pregnant with Avery, who was born in August. Karen was sad to lose her terrific 2-year nanny job at summer’s end, when her youngest charge went to full-time daycare. She misses them, but she is getting acclimated to her new position, which she began in October. She cares for 2 girls, ages 4 and 2. Mostly, though, she is a mommy! That’s her favorite job. In the spring Karen & Olivia went to Wisconsin to visit Karen’s parents for several days. Also, the 2 of them flew out early Thanksgiving week to surprise Karen’s mom. Nate joined them midweek. What a crowd—41 at Thanksgiving dinner! Karen regularly keeps up a family blog:
Olivia Marie had a most exciting year! That little girl is the Lord’s most wonderful gift to us, apart from salvation. We thoroughly love being parents! Livvie is 15 months old and weighs about 22 pounds. She carries it all in her belly. She is so smart; she understands and communicates over a dozen words in sign language! She’s also starting to talk—she says more, all done, bye-bye, and ball. She loves reading books, taking baths, and EATING! (sounds curiously like her mother!) Her current favorites are crackers, any variety of noodle, and french fries, a rare treat! She enjoys accompanying Mommy to work, and her best friend is Trango. Livvie is anxiously expecting a baby brother or sister sometime in June. We’re excited, too. :)
Mostly, though, we look forward to what the Lord will do in 2008! The Christian life is always exciting, so long as we remember that He has a master plan. Thankfully, that plan included Jesus Christ, who came to this earth to redeem us. That’s what makes our Christmas merry!
Richest blessings to you and yours,
Nate, Karen, & Olivia Adams

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas letter! (I didn't know Olivia's middle name was Marie - that's so pretty!) Did you get much time off from nannying for the holidays?