Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Betty Crocker would be ashamed...

Once in awhile a minor irritation suddenly becomes a major problem, and I just HAVE to fix it. Right now.

Last night as I rifled through my disaster of a recipe box looking for my homemade cough syrup recipe, this minor irritation (see right) became a major problem! As soon as Olivia went to bed--early, by the way--I sat down and began typing out the recipes that had been copied onto notebook paper, envelopes, and napkins. I decided not to type the ones that I had not tried yet; I may not decide that they're worth keeping. But I managed to do clean out all of the sloppy-looking recipes, and even banged out a few of the Old Faithfuls. It felt good.
When they're finished, I plan to put all of them in page protectors and file them in a 3-ring binder, using those good ol' tab dividers that we all used in high school.
Maybe I'm nesting a little early.
By the way, our 20-week ultrasound is tomorrow afternoon. Apparently Nate has decided that we will find out the gender. I'll keep you posted!


Shyla said...

we have the exact same recipe box! (and i mean EXACT! LOL) maybe i'll keep mine looking like this so you have a point of reference if you ever decide to go back to the dark side! :)
i am pretty sure that i have birthed a fellow fro! Owen's hair is getting coarse and faintly kinky! I may be outnumbered in gender, but it's nice to have a potential fro in the mix! hmmm...i wonder what it's like to straighten a boy's hair! LOL

Sara said...

OOOOOh, I can't wait to know the gender--SO fun either way. Keep us posted! Also, I am SO with you on the recipe mess. Mine has been bothering me lately too, and I plan to do the same thing very soon.