1st generation: my gramps, gram, and Grandpa's brother, Uncle Bud.
2nd Generation + spouses. My grandparents had 8 children. 5 are represented in this photo.
3rd generation + spouses. There are 31 or 32 of us in the 3rd generation. Obviously, we're not all here.
4th generation. There's my sweet, cooperative girl, balking at Caitlin's holding her.
Here's my family--parents, brother + family, and us, of course.
Ok, I admit I'm really dense but I'm for the first time realizing that I know someone in your extended family! Pastor Stine used to be a youth pastor at my church in West Bend. I think I was in college at the time but I remember him and his large family (and sweet wife!) serving at my church. Crazy! How many kiddos do they have now? Where are they and what are they up to?
Amazing that you have so many generations all together at once! What great memories you're creating!
HA! What a small world. Uncle Greg has 6 kids--Carl is the oldest (23, maybe?), and their adopted twins are 7. They recently took a church in Kansas. They're doing well!
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