Sunday, October 07, 2007

Moving, Organizing, Cleaning

Wow. I just noticed that this is my 515th post. Yowza!

We have moved the computer into the dining room. (It used to be in Livvie's room.) Right now it's set up on the dining room table, until we can find an inexpensive desk for it. We do have one, but it's HUGE! So we're going to sell it and downsize.

That means Olivia's room is all her own! This afternoon I moved her furniture around and got her all set up, including moving her kitchen into her bedroom. We moved her crib away from the window--winter is coming!--and spaced things more evenly. It looks great. I don't have any "before" pictures, so the "after" ones won't mean anything to you. Unless you've seen it previously. Most of you have, I guess. Oh, whatever, maybe I'll take a couple anyway.

This is where the computer desk used to be--right up against the window.

Her dresser was on the wall where the crib is, and the kitchen is where the changing table used to be.

Crib used to be against this window...hence the broken blinds. :)

Today we have a guest speaker in church, Dr. Orlando Buria. He taught at FaithWay for many, many years and recently moved to take a position in NY. He is doing a 4-part series on Creation vs. Evolution. He is fantastic! I've never met a student of his who didn't appreciate his classes. We have an extra service tonight at 5, in addition to our regular 6 p.m. service. I look forward to it. Hopefully, all the nursery workers will show up so I can enjoy it! (I had to miss the main service this morning due to a no-show. Grr...)

Unbelievable. Olivia has been sleeping exactly 59 minutes, and she just woke up. She missed her morning nap due to church, which is the usual. But usually she'll sleep 2.5 or 3 hours! Not today.

O well, maybe we can run out and get some Silk while it's still on sale at Kroger! (Thanks for the coupon link, Jenny!) I'm not getting as sweet a deal as Jenny did ($.25), but it's still a big savings! It's $3.09 at Kroger, and with the $2.25 coupon, I'll pay just $.84. I can live with that.

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