Monday, June 04, 2007

Garage Sale Goodies

Here are 2 of the goodies we found Saturday. On the right is just a little basket with a handle...I've already confessed my obsession with containerizing. It was $.25.
On the left is a darling little box full of tiny board books about numbers, colors, shapes, & animals. They're in really great shape, too, and I paid only $.75 for them!
I also picked up a couple books, $.25 each. LOVE garage sales! What about you? What bargains have you found?


Unknown said...

Love those teeny tiny board books! I am always on the hunt for books at garage sales since they're usually so cheap and some families are very good to their books. I just bought 3 book for Chloe last week at a yard sale and I'm very happy with them.

undergroundcrowds said...

they don't really have garage sales here, which is bad news. They all get together and throw this big ol' flea market thing on hot pavement, and it's just not appealing. I miss garage sales.