Most of you don't know this, but I was adopted as an infant. I love my parents dearly and would never, ever trade them for anyone; they know that. But the curiosity and questions are natural, and a couple months ago I began the process of locating my birth mother, with my parents' full support. (Remember the unspoken prayer request from a few weeks ago? This is what it was about.)
Well, yesterday was a huge day for me... I received a letter and several pictures from my birth mother, named Frances. (which, incidentally, is my mom's middle name.) It's really strange to hold in my hands pictures of her--as an infant, a toddler, a teenager, a young mom--and see bits of myself. Scores of the questions that have been swirling around in my head for 25 years were answered in the 5 minutes it took me to read her letter. She and my 2 sisters, Harmony (age 29) and Ashley (age 19) are going through the steps necessary for sharing last names and locating information. All 3 of them are eager and anxious to correspond with me and meet me.
It amazes me--it shouldn't, I know--how completely God knows me and cares for me. I never imagined that this desire would ever be realized. And even if the Lord's answer had been "no," I would have accepted it willingly. Hey, I have for 25 years, right? :)
Thanks, everyone who prayed about this mysterious thing for me. I'd appreciate continued prayers, if you think about it, as my relationships with Frances and my sisters grow.
I am so excited for you! Have you talked to her yet? I can't imagine how all of this came about, but it is so wonderful of God to allow this to happen. He certainly does answer prayer. Did your sisters just recently meet Frances?
I am glad things are working out the way you had hoped.
WOW!!! Karen that is so neat and exciting!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I will continue to pray for you as the process moves forward.
I have the same question that Kelly asked. Did your sisters just contact Frances like you did?? What a neat story to someday share with your daughter!!
Karen, that's soo incredible. I look forward to hearing more!! Your sisters and birth-mom are beautiful. So are you!
Karen, that is so great. I'm excited that God is allowing you to know your birth family. I'll pray that you will be able to share the gospel with your new found family and they can come to know Christ!!!
Wow, Karen! What a grand adventure this will be for you! Neat neat neat.
Kelly & Heather: Actually, Frances did not place Harmony and Ashley up for adoption.
Thanks for praying, ladies, and sharing the Gospel is one of my biggest goals, Jenny.
Karen, I have a great story to share with you. Email me and I will tell it! I think it would be a huge encouragement to you!
Karen, I think this is an amazing opportunity! How gracious of the Lord to give this gift to you. I hope you can establish a great relationship with her & your sisters. I'm sure your head is spinnning!
Wow, Karen. That is awesome! Praise God for the parents God so purposefully and intentionally gave you, and I'll be praying for you as you pursue a new relationship with your birth mom. :)
Wow! I will pray that your correspondence with Frances and your sisters goes well! I will pray that you know how to handle each situation and then Lord willing, be able to share the love of Christ with them. I will keep praying! Thanks for sharing this with us. Frances, Harmony, and Ashley are all very pretty!
How awesome! God is amazing and His ways are always best. God is going to do some neat things in your life, and what a great opportunity to share God and everything He's done in your life! I'll definitely be praying for you and this great opportunity!!!!! Keep us posted!
Yes, Katie, I do thank God for the exceptional parents He gave me. As exciting as this is for me, I would never trade what the Lord gave to me. He is so good and so gracious! Thanks, everyone, for praying!
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