Okay, Heather! Since you've asked a couple times now... here's my most recent belly pic! Someone told me today that I'm big for 20 weeks--grrrrrreat! Most people so far have said my belly's "cute;" leave it to some stranger to make me self-conscious! :)
now you have to come to PA so i can rub it! LOL
Have you had people doing that yet?
I don't think you look big at all! I mean, you look great - don't let strangers tell you anything. You wanna hear what a dumb lady said to me (if i told you who she was you would roll your eyes...emailme!:) She came up to me at church and said "YOU'RE HUGE!! are you sure you're not having twins??" What a retard! If the Lord had not chosen to make her naturally stupid, I could have gotten really upset about it! But, you just consider the source and move onto those who will tell you what you want to hear! :) teehee! Cute tummy girl! Grow Livvie grow!
HA! I MUST know what dummy said that! Yes, there's one man in my church--my sister-in-law's dad, so he's sort of family--who pats my tummy every Sunday morning and says, "Yep, you sure are getting fat!" But he's a cute little Santa Claus-type guy, so it doesn't really bother me. Yet!
YOU ARE NOT HUGE by any means!?! Boy, oh boy, I have my share of inconsiderate things people said to me while I was pregnant. AFter every dr. appt, one coworker consistently asked me how much weight I had gained. I thought to myself, "Do you have ANY idea how mean it is to ask me that?!?" and smiling underexaggerated how much I weighed.
btw, shyla you aren't huge either. don't you feel like kicking that lady's teeth in? not that your foot could reach her mouth at this stage in the game . . .
Your belly is sooo cute. I actually really miss the belly. You are not huge - just beautiful! Just enjoy it - the only time in your life you'll be sticking it out instead of sucking it in :)
Karen! Thanks for the post! You are beautiful looking, regardless of what anyone says! Look at that little belly. I could just rub it! :) Just kidding! You look so healthy too!
Thanks so much for the picture...You have that glow that so many people said i had during my pregnancies! I loved it!
Thanks again for the pic!
Beautiful, as always.
Well said, Kelly!
And Heather, if you were here, I'd definitely let ya rub my tummy! Sounds to me like you're ready for Baby #3! :)
Thanks, guys... I'm sure I'll need much more "positive reinforcement in the coming 20 weeks!
You look great Karen! People should think before speaking sometimes. I think they need to write a book "What not to say to a pregnant woman!" And I echo Alicia about asking about the weight gain, when else in life is it appropriate to ask a woman how much she weighs and it's 'okay' during pregnancy?? I gained too much weight with Esther, but have been so surprised at how fast it's coming off. And I'm actually glad I gained the extra b/c she was a healthy 8 pounds.
It's the only time you'll be sticking it out and not sucking it in - ain't that the truth! LOL And, Kelly, you should miss your prego belly. It was so cute! (I'm picturing you in your lovely green bridesmaid's dress at Janelle's wedding.)
Karen, your belly is adorable; you are adorable. I, for one, think pregnant women are cute. I loved being pregnant (for reason mentioned above). I guess I was spared a good bit of rude comments about my belly and weight gain. Or maybe I just don't remember them!
You do look very cute, Karen! I am one who the belly-rubbing DOES bother, but I've found that if I carry my choir folder around after church, I can deflect the hands quite well. HA! Now, if only it didn't look goofy to carry it at the grocery store...
you look FABUUUUUULOUS DARLING!! I just want to see you in person :) Livve Marie. Did you know that I'm "carissa marie"....Are you naming her after me? Just wondering :) Congrats on a girl. They're sooo much fun!! (and emotional) but....sooo sweet :)
Thanks, Corissa. And no, Livvie's not named for you; she's named for me. :) Yep, Karen Marie! Nate wanted it--not my 1st choice, but I didn't argue.
You look great! I would never call you "big." Your tummy looks like a nice healthy size.
You look great, Karen! You have that pregnancy glow!
i would have given that dumbo a boot to the head! i loved being pregnant. like kelly said, it was the only time yet in my life where i wasn't worried about sucking it in!! sometimes i think people are jealous of the buzz around pregos and they just say the dumbest things. when people tried to touch my belly, i actually swatted hands away at times :-) sorry, but that's just way to invasive on my personal bubble space.
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