I spent most of the summer dreading the cold, dark winter months and trolling craigslist for a cheap treadmill. Nate's work schedule will soon prevent me from running outdoors (NOT RUNNING IN THE DARK, THANK YOU!), and I was getting realllly nervous and not finding anything.
Fast forward to about three weeks ago, when God pricked my heart about this.
I realized that I had not even prayed for a treadmill.
I'm a little dense sometimes.
I began to ask God for a treadmill and kept looking. Came close (twice!) to purchasing one, but neither materialized. Finally, the Lord orchestrated events perfectly and allowed us to try, pay for, and pick up this little beauty... all within 48 hours. For fifty bucks.
She's a bit of an oldie, but she runs like a dream. Quite a loud dream, but I don't mind.
Super grateful for God's attention to me, and so glad He often gives us our wants, in addition to our needs!
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