Friday, July 09, 2010

July 4th Weekend: Day Two

After an unsuccessful attempt at a parade (24 hours late.  Oops.), we trooped off to find some water instead. 

Brienna has learned how to drink from a cup.  She loves it. 
(My goodness, those thigh rolls look delicious!)

She doesn't like hats, though.  She kept doing this:

We also did a Cousins photo shoot.  Since my camera was drawing a shuddering last breath at the time, this is the only one which was salvageable.  Leah (Shannon's oldest) and Livvie got along exceedingly well this time--they are so funny together.

After supper, we headed out to Point Betsie on Lake Michigan.  Ellia grew more and more comfortable in the water, with Daddy's help.

Olivia was crazier than ever.

And Brienna was quite content to walk around and around a fallen log.

Since it was really hazy and overcast, we didn't bother to stay til sunset, as we usually do.  It was still pretty, though.

Just before the day was done (okay, so it was after 9 p.m.!), we snapped a couple more shots of the girlies.

... and with this adorable photo, my trusty old camera breathed its last. 

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