Monday, July 05, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

It's so exciting to watch my little garden grow!  I have only a handful of plants, but perhaps one day, when I have a sunnier yard and I'm not lactating or gestating...I'll grow some of everything.

The Garden

My poor tomato plants went unsupported til just last week.  They've got little bitty marble-sized tomatoes, and I can't stop looking at them!  They're so cute!  In addition to eating the tomatoes this summer, I hope to do a little canning as well. 
Jalapeno peppers.  Mmmm.  I see a lot of pico de gallo in my future.  Also these.  Be still, my spicy-lovin' heart.
Bell Peppers.
Zucchini.  Okay, so I got a little carried away.  Thankfully, it freezes well. 
Parsley.  Hello there, parsley.  You're looking fine.
And my one lone yellow squash plant, the only one that came up.  Sadly, the rest of the row sits in the shade until about 4 p.m. 
A couple weeks ago, after I finished weeding in here, I noticed a small patch of dirt.  It was empty, plant-less.  Kind of lonely-looking.  So I did what every conscientous gardener does.  I dumped a handful of basil seeds in there and covered 'em up.  And looky there... teeny weeny BASIL!
But look at this, friends.
This, oh THIS...  this is going to help me make mounds and mounds of cilantro-lime rice.  (only I will use about 1/2 c., rather than the 3 T. called for)  And lime-cilantro crema to drizzle on my tacos.  And my trusty pico de gallo.
I love you, Cilantro. 
I'm almost afraid to snip off any of your fragrant leaves, in fact.

What are you growing?


Unknown said...

GREAT JOB on your garden, Karen! It looks fabulous!!! I especially like your tiny basil. And your cilantro looks great too! That's not an easy plant to grow you know so pat yourself on the back. :)

Karen said...

It isn't?
Wow, I had no idea! Why not, I wonder?
(pat, pat)

Jenny said...

YAY for gardens and yay for cilantro and especially cilantro-lime rice. I just made a big batch last night. Can't get just tastes like summer.