Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"My Grace is Sufficient"

Last September my cousin's husband was killed in a motorcycle crash.  They'd been married just 13 months.  Someone suggested that Sarah start a blog to chronicle her journey, and I am so glad she did, even though most of her posts bring me to tears.

There was the day--the 4-month anniversary of Troy's death--when Sarah wrote about the details of that excruciating day.

And the inner workings of Sarah's mind as she muddles through her Truth Box. (an ingenious idea!)

The 6-month anniversary post just about did me in.

Mostly, Sarah just writes about her everyday struggles as a new widow.

Each time I read, I walk away profoundly grateful for my own husband, marvelling at the grace which God has poured into her life.  We are privileged to serve such a faithful and a gracious God!

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