Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jehovah Jireh, AGAIN!

As the arrival of Baby #3 gets ever closer, Nate & I have been talking about the need of another carseat. Ellia has been too big for her infant seat for about a month, but we haven't been able to swing it financially. One night last week, we were discussing this very thing.

The next day, a friend gave me a flier advertising a car seat giveaway. I was skeptical, but the organizations behind it were reputable, so I marked it on our calendar & hoped for the best! I had no idea how it worked or what would take place. My plan was to get there right at the start time, 10 a.m., just to be safe. So yesterday, I loaded up the girls and we drove down to the Fire Station, where the event was being held. We arrived at 10:05, and I was discouraged to find that there were at least 30 cars ahead of me.
Thankfully, the event was very well-organized, and we soon learned what was happening: A huge team of carseat safety officers (I made up that title myself.) was inspecting each carseat for damage and recall information, measuring the height and weight of each child for his/her seat, and demonstrating proper installation. Expired or damaged carseats were thrown away, and a new carseat was given. Children whose height or weight exceeded the manufacturer's recommendations were given a new seat as well. GIVEN! No questions asked!
Well, chubby little Ellia did in fact weigh exactly 1.4 pounds too much for her infant seat. Without even so much as a blink, the inspector turned around, grabbed the carseat shown above, and plopped it into our vehicle.
The girls were so good; I couldn't believe it! Ellia napped for quite some time, and there was even a free concession table! Volunteers cheerily gave out hot dogs, chips, cookies, lemonade, bottled water, and popsicles.
We pulled out of the parking lot at 12:50, 2 hours & 45 minutes later. We are so grateful for the Lord's provision! He takes care of His own!


Jen said...

Tender mercies!

Heather said...

What a great God we serve!!

Unknown said...


Jenny said...

That is fantastic! We once acquired an extra car seat in a very unconventional way - the airline lost ours. We got a new seat, plus got the old one back. Thank you, DTW!