Friday, September 05, 2008

Surviving Sickness

What to do when the toddler's temp is hovering near 102*?
1. Indulge as many requests as is reasonable.
"Play with my clips?" Yes.
"Lovey & paci?" Yes.
"Hold you, Mommy?" Of course.
"More juice?" [spiked with GSE, little does she know!] Yes.
"Peanuts and chocolate cake?" Um, no.

2. Plan for an easy-peasy dinner.
[A big batch of bean soup is in the crock pot as we "speak."]

3. Do only those household chores which are absolutely necessary.
[Laundering Nate's work clothes--he's down to his last set.]

4. Take my own vitamins religiously, and bolster my immune system with a little GSE as well.

5. Read We're Going on a Bear Hunt a minimum of 13 times. Then, read--or better yet, sing--The Wheels on the Bus at least twice as many times.

6. Pray that the 2-month-old's sneezing and snorting are purely coincidental. (Check out the monster thighs!)


Vicki said...

Awwww...I hope Livvie is feeling better soon and the rest of you don't catch whatever it is! Did she really ask for peanuts and chocolate cake??

Karen said...

Yep, she did!

Anonymous said...

This may be a stupid question... but What is GSE???

Heather said...

I hope she is feeling better soon...and that the rest of you stay healthy!! I too would like to know what GSE is...

Karen said...

GSE--grapefruit seed extract--is a natural remedy for "whatever ails ya!" We use it frequently.

Heather said...

I have never heard of that! Wow...might have to try it out since we are all feeling a bit under the weather this weekend.


Anonymous said...

I had a teacher in college that swore that Grape Seed Extract did the same thing. She said it was better than Grapefruit Seed Extract but I looked and it is quite a bit more expensive too. Just thought it was interesting.