Friday, May 09, 2008

Timely Reminders

Olivia & I had an unexpectedly hectic morning, running hither and yon to do emergency errands that had sprung up overnight. By the time we got home, Livvie was too tired to eat her lunch, and I was too irritable to persuade her. (Pregnancy hormones are only partly to blame, unfortunately.) So she went down for her nap with no lunch. I, of course, felt terrible about that.

Well, naptime is office time for me, so I immediately sat down to make phone calls, do computer work, and update inventory lists. Frustration mounted as very few things went as planned. I decided to take a break and see what some of my favorite bloggers have to say today. I'm glad I did.

Meredith shares a special giving opportunity that came her way. That lent me some good perspective.

And Frugal Hacks features this sweet article, which I needed very much today.

And my rumbling stomach reminds me that, at nearly 2 p.m., I have not yet eaten lunch. That will certainly help my mood!

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