Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving in Pictures

We're home again, after a lovely, refreshing week with my family. The surprises went great--my mom HATES surprises, but I think she forgives us. (Right, Mom?) Olivia and Malachi had SO much fun playing together. I'm told Malachi is having a difficult time without her. Here are some shots of them:

They enjoyed playing with my mom's exercise ball. Malachi is tossing the ball into the laundry basket.

This is one of Malachi's favorite games--crawling into this tiny cupboard and closing the door on himself. Livvie thought it was funny.

She loves his rocking horse...

...he does, too. Notice his spread-eagle legs.

Livvie thought Malachi's Cars slippers were MUCH more fun than her little purple ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a super tiny space for him to squeeze into! I bet Livvie enjoyed watching him and following him around!