Tuesday, November 06, 2007

New 'Do

I decided it was time to revert back to the old me. I did like my hair shoulder length, but only when I had the time to style it... which was about twice a week. Here's me "before."

...complete with cheesy grin.

And "after." Ahh.... the style I love, achieved in 10 minutes, tops!

Oops... didn't mean for them to be this big. Sorry.

In just 20 minutes I'm taking Olivia in to the doctor for her 12-month checkup. A couple months late, I know, but better late then never, right? She actually hasn't been to a doctor since... March or April, I think.

At 5:30 we're heading over to Scott's (an assistant at Concordia) to babysit his almost-3-year-old, Gabe. He's a sweetie.

~~~8:40 p.m.--Livvie's checkup went wonderfully! She's developing beautifully and is strong, smart, & healthy. She weighs 21 lbs, 13 oz, which lands her in the 43rd percentile for weight. She's 28.5 inches tall, which places her in the 16th percentile for height. We've got a shorty on our hands! Guess Daddy can kiss this basketball star goodbye and hope the next one is tall!

Gabe was a lot of fun tonight. Amy thought she'd be home by 10-ish, but she showed up at 8:20! Nice surprise! I think I'll try to get to bed early tonight.


Abby said...

LOVE the new do! I'm attempting to grow mine out again, but we'll see how that one flies :-)

Unknown said...

Great new look, Karen! I can't believe that only takes you 10 minutes?!?

Kelly Glupker said...

It's so funny that you posted this because I have a hair appointment this weekend to chop mine off too. I tried growing it out and have just decided (once again) that I LOVE short hair. It takes, yes Alicia, 10 minutes at the most. You look great!

Heather said...

You are beautiful looking!! I love the hair!

I love hair that only takes less than 10 minutes :)

Vicki said...

This is my favorite 'do for you. :o) (With the exception of your loooonnnng curly locks, but I've come to the conclusion that will probably never happen again.) Looks great!

Vicki said...

p.s. I was always late with Cait's "well child" checkups. She was well, why do I need to take her in?! We always made it sooner or later, and she was still "well".

Harms said...

Looks like Livvie is taking after me in the height arena. ;) I'll try to keep my hips to myself though.

I LOVE your haircut. You actually inspired mine a few weeks ago.

I miss you so much. SMOOCHES!

Sara said...

very cute. miss the long hair too, but this would be my next fave.