Friday, August 24, 2007


I have been experimenting with homemade cleaning products, with fabulous results. Now, I am antsy to make my own laundry "detergent." The web is replete with recipes, most of which call for varying amounts of Fels Naptha soap, washing soda (not to be confused with baking soda), and Borax. I'm torn... not too long ago, I came across a deal on regular detergent--buy 1, get 2 free. Naturally, I took advantage! I'm nearing the end of that 1st bottle. Do I try the recipe, with 2 huge unopened lugs sitting there? This is what I'm leaning toward doing. After all, if my detergent flops, at least I'd have a backup. Whaddaya think?


Heather said...

I say go for it girl!!! You are such a great example to me...i never even thought of making my own cleaners and laundry you care to share???

Jenny said...

whatever you do, make sure you share the results with us! I've seen recipes where you have to shave your own Ivory and I'm not up for that...and these people use their blenders. I'm definitely not up for that!!! YUM! A soapy smoothie!

(psst! I'm with Heather! Share "recipes!)

AnneB said...

I have made my own laundry soap and would recommend adding some kind of scent to the mix. My recipe used Borax, Baking Soda, Fels Naptha, and water. It came out more like a gel than a liquid...and my clothes came out clean, but didn't smell like anything...and I love yummy clean smelling laundry. I didn't think it was a huge savings either because I had to use more per load than the recipe called for. I do however, always add some baking soda to my regular detergent for each load of laundry I do. It really helps get your clothes cleaner. I agree with the ladies above:) Share you recipes!! I use Vinegar and baking soda for so much around the house, but I am having a hard time figuring out a good homemade disinfectant to use instead of bleach...
Let us know how the laundry soap goes:):)