Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sara Update

Maybe you're already checking Sara's blog, but here's her latest entry, written just this afternoon:

"A little change in plans came this morning, when I met with my doctor who was going to perform the c-section. He did an ultrasound and determined that the baby is "bottom down" and blocking most of the "break." This has allowed him to build up more fluid around himself, lessening the dangerous position. So, they won't let me leave the hospital, but they would like to hold off as long as possible to give the baby a better fighting chance. And as much as I hate sitting in the hospital (those of you who know me, know that this is not exactly my "cup of tea"), I would MUCH rather be sitting here, than in the NICU, feeling helpless and unable to care for my little man. The doctor says if I made it to 34 weeks, that would be great! He would love to schedule a c-section then--that is two and a half weeks from now. However, he said there is about an 80-90 percent chance that I will go into labor within a week and need to be taken to deliver via "emergency" c-section.We are just trusting of course that the Lord knows best, and He will take care of us both. I cannot thank you enough for all of your prayers and encouraging words. To know that so many are thinking of us and praying for us is priceless, and this encouragement is allowing us to anxiously await the arrival of our precious little boy!!"

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