Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'm Ba-a-a-ack!

*sigh* It's good to be back online! Our new tower arrived Thursday, and boy, did we miss it. After noting all that I got done without it, I hope to use my time on it a little more wisely. However, I understand that scores of people... okay, a few... are awaiting photos, so I must indulge them. Here's what's been going on, in a nutshell:
A couple weeks ago we threw a surprise birthday party for my mother-in-law. It was a big birthday this year (40), so we knew we had to do something big. Nate's dad had a little surprise of his own: a friend of his from BMW let him take his brand-new car for a little drive. Pretty cool. There was a LOT of testosterone around that car.

This is Leah, whose newest trick is plugging her ears when she hears something disagreeable. :()

Here's the Adams clan in its entirety. That includes Tim & Shannon's little Bean #2, who is due to arrive in September...and also my own.

Gotcha! We're satisfied for now with our own little Bean, who's growing SO QUICKLY! Her bottom 2 teeth finally popped in, and she has started pulling up and then letting go, balancing for a few seconds.

And this was taken on Father's Day. Aww....


Unknown said...

Your mom-in-law is only 40? That can't be. Do you mean 50? I bet she was thrilled to have everyone together at once!

Love the new pictures of Livvie. Her hair is getting so blond!

Karen said...

:) Nope, she's not 40. Nate turns 30 next month. :) But she's not 50, either. One more guess!