Friday, April 13, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!


Shyla said...

so tell did the ear candling go? who did it for you? I have always wanted to do it - but never have. DId you have a lot of junk in there? I am just curious to see if corn really did grow in my ears like my grandpa said! :)

can't wait to hear about your trip to PA and to meet your family. i would love to talk to you about it. Give me a call sometime.

Karen said...

The ear candling was so weird--you hear this whooshing noise, and it gets louder as the flame gets closer. It's the sound of the vacuum created by the candle. But it didn't hurt at all. I didn't have a lot of wax, but HOLY SMOKES, Nate did! It was vulgar!

Unknown said...

Wow, I've heard about the ear candle deal. Very strange but sounds like it was effective!

How did Livvie do on the plane ride?