Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I hate stupid people. A couple weeks ago, we were "enjoying" temps in the single digits and below. One particular evening, we were cozy and warm in our little house, watching some TV, when we heard a knock on our door. Nate answered and found a young woman, college age, bundled up and FREEZING. She launched into her schpeel (sp?)...

"Hi, I'm Brandy, and I'm with a local grassroots organization." Poor silly girl is shivering and frozen! But she dutifully went on. "I'm just out here tonight trying to raise awareness about a very real problem on our planet--global warming."

Hello. It is approximately one thousand degrees below zero, and you're telling me the planet is too hot?

Nate smiled and said, "I'll save you the speech, since you're freezing; I don't believe in it!"


Jenny said...

HA that is hiLARious!!! I bet she'd get more support in the hot humidity of a MI summer! "Come back in August, sweetie!"

undergroundcrowds said...

way to go Nate!

in fact, we know this couple (sound) that believe that the warming and mellowing of the climate is a natural process, but nobody recorded it 500 years ago when it happened before.

...in her defense, though, coldness is supposedly part of "global warming." So she really thinks she's freezing her back side off for the right cause, poor girl.

Abby said...

This is so funny! I can just imagine her saying all these between the shivers! To quote my new southern drawl, "ya'll are stupid!!"