Friday, December 15, 2006


I am now a beta blogger! Hooray for me! I have seen umpteen ads for this new feature, and today I made the big switch.

Sadly, I have no idea what this means. This page on which I'm typing looks a bit different, but other than that... it's all the same to me. I guess I'll have to play around some more.


Cummings Family said...

I think one of the key new elements to Beta blogger is that it is much easier to change the look/color schemes of your blog and add links and such if you don't like working with coding. Go to Template, then page elements to more easily rearrange your blog or add links, pictures, favorites lists ect. Hope that is helpful and not just a bunch of blah blah blah:)

Karen said...

Okay, there is no "Page Elements" option in my Templates page. Hmmm.

Jenny said...

Mine says "Layout" under templates.

Cummings Family said...

OK, I don't know whats up with the Beta thing but now you can also sign up for the "New blogger" with a google account.It isn't really that much hassle to switch over and it allows you to "drag and drop" edit your template instead of working with coding- if thats not your thing. You should see something about the "New blogger" when you sign on to blogger. If not try logging off your blog then going to, then clicking on "Take a tour" to see what you will be getting yourself into:)Hope this is more helpful! I am one of those people who just follows the instructions but doesn't really know exactly what it all means when it comes to computers:)