Monday, October 30, 2006

One of those days

Yes, I'm having one of those days. Usually I have them when I haven't slept the night before--then I'm crabby and irritable. But even though I got a normal amount of sleep last night, I'm really, really tired today.

I'm at work. It's almost 3:30 in the afternoon, and I feel like I haven't done a stinkin' thing yet today. ("Why are you on the computer then?" you ask!) Because I just got up from a not-at-all-restful-or-refreshing attempt at a nap. I'm more groggy than when I first lay down, and I'm trying to wake up.

The lunch dishes are still on the counter; the kids' rooms are a major disaster (DON'T get me started on this topic! I have plenty to say on it and certainly don't have time for it! But the state of their bedrooms doesn't do much for my mood OR my motivation.); I haven't dusted or vacuumed or done a lick of laundry. So far today I've chatted a little bit with Wade and spent the rest of the time feeding, changing, and trying to soothe my daughter.

Ironically enough, Olivia dozed off before Wade went down for his nap, but she wasn't sleeping deeply enough for me to do the same. She kept waking up and whimpering, thrashing her little head around. As soon as she was truly asleep (and me, for that matter!), Wade woke up--exactly 2 hours from the time he went down. That never happens; usually I have to wake him up at the 2.5-hour mark. Olivia's still sleeping... and after all that restlessness, I don't have the heart to wake her up.

Wade is a funny little boy--he asks tons of questions and talks constantly. Normally this is an endearing trait to me, but today I find it annoying. I told him we could go to the library today so he could play with the puppets and put the puzzles together. But after the morning came and went and I still hadn't done anything, I told him we'd try to go after naptime. Now, I've got too much tidying up to do, and Olivia's sleeping. Plus, Rachelle's coming home early today (sigh.) Maybe Wednesday.

I hate unproductive days. Tired days are bad enough, but unproductive days make me feel totally useless.


carissa said...

girl, I love you, I understand the sleeplessness too. God is showing us that HE IS OUR STRENGTH. I know people are facing HUGE trials, but God is showing Himself to me through my lack of sleep as I choose to depend on HIm.
I'll be praying for you. Livvie is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rob and Amanda Edmondson said...

I am SO sympathetic!!! Even though you may have gotten enough sleep LAST night, you probably need a week of sleep to catch up from the last few months:)Get that rest in whenever, however you can get it and take heart you WILL feel (at least a little more) normal again eventually:)

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry you were having one of those days! i have them every now and then if i don't get out of the house. i used to NEVER leave the house if i had dishes in the sink and my house is all tidied up... now if i waited for that, i'd never go anywhere. i understand... sometimes you have to hop on your blog and tell some one... or feel like you are communicating with some adult somewhere who cares! i am sure you are a WONDERFUL mom! some things just have to wait til later!

Shyla said...

i am currently going through the same thing...but only i can't imagine tryingt o keep someone else's house clean as well as my own. I am praying for you. God doesn't give us more than we can handle! That's my mantra for the day!! hang in there!

Karen said...

Thanks, ladies! I needed that!

Heather said...

You are so brave...I didn't know you were back to work! I couldn't imagine trying to keep two houses clean and take care of 4 children!! Hang in there girl!!! God is so good and He will give you the strength to get through those days!!! He always does!!!

Sara said...

Wow! I can't believe you clean their house too! Hope you get paid well! I have one little one to keep, and I keep the house looking nice and do the laundry, but if I had to CLEAN this house, I'd go crazy!
Keep your chin up!!

Anonymous said...

you have to clean their house? FOUR KIDS? didn't you just have a baby karen? oh my.